Coming home late from work or looking for something quick and healthy to prepare?

This Mediterranean style chicken breast dish is a one pot wonder. Cut up the veggies, make a smoky gravy-like sauce, place it all in layers with your chicken breasts in an oven proof dish and Bob’s your uncle.

Packed with soluble and insoluble fibre, the vegetables in the dish provide some of the key elements needed to promote gut health.

By cooking the tomatoes you are activating the lycopene, unlocking their power to ‘switch on’ the master anti-oxidant gene regulator Nrf2, contributing to longevity promotion and reduction in the risk of chronic disease and cancer development.

Mushrooms are well known for their immune-boosting and anti-cancer properties. They are high in vitamin B2, copper, vitamin D and selenium. Mushrooms are also high in adaptogens, which support hormone and stress responses in the body.

Celery is a great source of vitamin A, C, K and potassium. It contains the bioactive quercetin which ‘switches on’ the anti-oxidant cascades in our body as well as ‘switches off’ inflammatory pathways which don’t serve us.

The olives do not only give the dish that salty, Spanish zing, but together with the olive oil, they offer a wide array of nutritional benefits including optimizing cardiac health and reducing inflammation.

Don’t forget the lean source of protein provided buy the chicken breasts. Protein is the building blocks for everything structural and chemical in the body. Chicken also provides a high source of B vitamins, promoting DNA formation and repair, mood stabilization and cardiac health.  

Serves 4-5

Chicken Breast

4 large chicken breasts
2 colore peppers (baby peppers)
1 packet portobello mushrooms (250g)
2 large celery sticks
100g hard shelled peas (optional)
3 handfuls cherry tomatoes
½ red onion, sliced
4 tablespoons black pitted olives
1 tablespoon tomato paste
3 tablespoons olive oil
3 teaspoons smoked paprika
1 teaspoon cumin
3 teaspoons cinnamon
3 teaspoons low sodium soya sauce
3 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Sprinkle of smoked paprika to rub on chicken breasts
1 cup water
Handful Italian flat leaf parsley
Salt and pepper


Cauliflower rice

½ yellow onion
1 packet cauliflower rice
½ tablespoon olive oil
1 ½ teaspoons turmeric


1 Pre-heat the oven to 200C
2 Wash all the vegetables and parsley.
3 Slice the peppers, onion and mushrooms into long strips, placing them in a bowl.
4 Cut the olives and cherry tomatoes in half, placing them into a bowl.
5 Cut the celery into ½ cm sized pieces and place them into a bowl.
6 In a glass jar add the water, tomato paste, olive oil, smoked paprika, cumin, cinnamon, low sodium soya sauce, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Mix together.
7 Cut the large chicken breasts in half, creating two thinner pieces. Pour a drizzle of lemon juice over and rub some extra smoked paprika into the breasts.
8 In a large oven-proof dish, layer half the peppers, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, celery, olives, peas and some washed and chopped parsley.
9 Cut the garlic cloves into halves and scatter them around the vegetables.
10 Place the chicken breasts on top of the bed of vegetables.
11 Scatter the remaining vegetables over the breasts, covering them evenly.
12 Evenly pour the smoky paprika sauce over the whole dish.
13 Cover with foil and place in the oven to bake for 35 minutes.

Turmeric- Spiced Cauliflower Rice
1 Finely chop half a yellow onion.
2 Pour the olive oil into a hot non-stick pan.
3 Add the chopped onion and sauté until lightly browned.
4 Add the cauliflower rice as well as the turmeric and sauté for a few minutes.

Nourish yourself to the sunrise.

Cooked with love,
Sunrise by HM

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